Week 3, Day 11

Another weekend gone... Today mama decided to get us ready right in time for school so we had less time to get scared. Naisha of course threw a huge tantrum... flung her shoes off and kept running away. Mama had to forcibly put her in the auto. I was cool and walked into the class on my own. I think I'm getting used to the idea of school... it's not so bad after all and Meeta ma'am is kind of cute. She pulls my cheeks REAL hard. I'm not sure I liked it till I remembered that that's how mama pulls my cheeks too...and that made me cool totally! Though I came out crying I finished my tiffin.. all four biscuits.
Naisha is still not too happy. Sapna ma'am told mama that she roamed around the class with her tiffin but hardly had one biscuit. The best part was that when we got back home and mama asked Naishu what she did at school all she said was 'bikit khaya'.

Day 12
RAINY DAY! No school. Yipeeeee!
