Back to the theatre

Yessss yesss yesss.. I'm back... Watched Three Idiots with the kids, a first for them... feel so good. The last film I watched in the theatre was Kabhi Alvida in 2006... I'd left the kids with mum and had felt quite bad for deserting her. What freedom...

Hrit and Naisha were pretty well behaved... ate plenty of chocolates.. didn't much care for the popcorn but finished a bottle of Frooti.

They didn't get most of the film. Hrit needed to know whether the uncles/aunties were nice or naughty, for every, yes every character that appeared on screen. That was pretty exhausting, considering there are many who are neither or both. Welcome to the world of 'grey' Hrit.

Naisha stepped on the aisle and danced to Zoobi Doobi to my acute embarrassment and then went off to sleep. Life was peaceful after that.

Feels great.

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