A little bit of this and a little bit of that

These past ten days have been pretty eventful...

1. My sister came visiting with my very gorgeous niece.
2. Hrit went down with a bad case of wheezing and recovered sufficiently to get back to school.
3. The maid quit.. just quit.. on a day's notice.

Since this last event kind of overshadowed everything else, I'll go in reverse order. I refuse, however, to dwell on it (maybe because I've found a stop gap kind of person.. yay!!! yay!!!).

On a happy note.. Hrit's so much better, though he's still carrying a wracking cough to school. The wheeze takes ages to go. Sometimes I wonder how he manages almost 8 hours at school and another few hours of play (which he's not ready to compromise upon) when each breath takes effort. He does all of that and seems not to notice. Aren't kids just unbelievable?

The most significant fallout of all of the above has been that I didn't see the face of the gym for 1/3 of the month. Please do note I write 'didn't' not 'couldn't'. Despite my sister pushing me to go, I just didn't. The thing is as soon as my routine is disturbed I miss the gym. Not nice. So much for my September resolution . I guess it's too much to expect that the weighing scale will be where I'd left it ten days back. Plan to go and check tomorrow.. even if it's for a tiny while. The new maid needs to be trained and I need to be home with her when I don't even know how long she'll be around.

God grant me a good maid... please.

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