Plan, prepare, perform

The great annual International Blogging Festival kicks off in another few days. Bloggers across the world will be writing, reading, sharing  and encouraging each other all of April. It’s like one big happy party. And I’m not going. Obviously I’m feeling a little sorry for myself - a bit like when I was invited to a party and all my friends were going and I knew it was completely ‘my thing’ but mum said I couldn’t go. Except this time there’s no mum to blame. It's just me. I wish I’d planned ahead and I wish I’d scheduled my posts and I wish I could have joined in the fun.

But I didn’t and I can’t.

Here’s a lesson for you dear H and N. ‘Not again,’ I hear you groan, 'Not another ‘lesson’ mama,’ I see you making quotes in the air, but this is a lesson not just for you but for me too and has to be reiterated. I promise to keep it short.

If you want something really badly, plan for it, prepare for it. If you do not, you’ve no business to feel sorry for yourself. 

Spontaneity is fun but for the important things in life, preparation is the key.

It’s a bit like cooking. Remember the time we started off making cookies assuming we had all the ingredients and then got stuck because we ran out of butter. Oh we did go ahead but the cookies weren't half as good as they do turn out normally. You remember that?

And then, N, you remember, there was the drawing competition on Independence Day a few years back? Many of your friends came to me asking for help with ideas. And they went home and practised. You’re good at art. I know that and so do you. So certain were you of your win that you didn’t give the contest a second thought. You knew you would do well. And you lost. To a girl whose art wasn’t half as good as yours but who was better prepared. Remember how she’d woven quotes on freedom in her drawing? The judges made a mention of that, I well remember. I also remember how you’d cried, heartbroken.

Heartbreak is a great teacher.

You did not forget. Next year you did prepare and you won too. How you’d jumped around in your happiness! That, dear girl, is proof enough, if you wanted any.

It isn’t enough to be smart or good at something. Preparation marks the difference between success and failure.

I hope you always remember that. I hope you remember that feeling of losing something that was so well within your grasp. And I hope you never let that happen again.

As shall I.

For this time I will watch and enjoy the fun. I shall blog hop to my heart’s content and cheer all my friends. It’s going to be one crazy, exciting month.

Oh and while on lessons - here’s anther one. Age doesn’t insure you against making mistakes. The good part is that nothing stops you from learning from them either.

Linking up with Mackenzie at Reflections from Me.

And also with Tweens,Teens & Beyond 

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